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Tired of shaving, waxing, tweezing and maybe even epilating? The Super Laser Hair Removal (SHR) treatment is a permanent solution that is both painless & effective.

How does the Super Laser Hair Removal Treatment work?

The Super Hair Removal's Advanced Fluorescence Technology (AFT) In-Motion Technology represents a breakthrough in patient comfort, speed of procedures and repeatable clinical results. The energy from the hand-piece travels harmlessly through the epidermis and dermis until it strikes the hair follicle, which contains a dense, melanin-rich hair shaft and bulb. The coloured melanin absorbs the light and rises quickly in temperature, destroying the hair-producing cells surrounding the follicle.

Pros of the SHR Super Laser Hair Removal Treatment

1: More effective than traditional methods

The SHR technology helps to permanently get rid of unwanted hair unlike other traditional hair removal methods like shaving, waxing, tweezing and epilating which only removes a portion of the hair follicle and does not target the root which is why the hair will still grow back eventually. It is also more effective to it's predecessors like IPL (intense-pulse light) technology which will require more treatments to achieve the same results.

2: No ingrown hair

As the SHR treatment uses laser to safely destroy hair follicles, with each treatment, the strands will weaken and eventually stop growing back.

3: Suitable for all skin tones

Comparing the SHR technology with other laser technology like IPL (intense pulse light) which has been in the market for years, the SHR treatment can be done on all skin tones. Traditional methods like IPL may cause burns in darker skin tones which is why SHR is a safer alternative.

Cons of the Super Laser Hair Removal Treatment

1: Shaving required

Unfortunately, shaving is required prior to the treatment which some clients find a bit cumbersome. Shaving service can be provided with an additional cost if you are uncomfortable with shaving at home.

2: Multiple sessions required

Even though the SHR technology is more effective than it's traditional counterpart, IPL, several sessions will still be required to achieve the desired results. Depending on the thickness of the hair follicle, the number of sessions will vary between individuals.

3: Scarring / burns / blisters

When done by an untrained professional, scarring / burns / blisters can occur which is why it is important to ensure that your treatment is being administered by a trained and reputable professional. MODE Aesthetics has more than 8 years of experience in laser hair removal so you can be assured that you are in good hands.

The SHR Super Laser Hair Removal Treatment is a Signature Treatment at MODE Aesthetics.

SHR at MODE - "Most Revolutionary Hair Removal Award"

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